Monday, September 15, 2008

I take it back.

Back when I had that other blog, I griped one time about Rachel Matthews' book Hookorama and all the various reasons I thought it was teh suck. But I did say at the time that I didn't want the designers to starve or anything.

I take that back.

Rachel Matthews' latest book shows you how to knit stuffed dictators:

His name is Knitler. Isn't that cute? Maybe in some alternate universe. I have to go barf now.


PlazaJen said...

Wow. Kind of a colossal waste of energy, I say.

Eve said...

I do like how the reviewer you linked said something about Knitler being a big hipped, talk to the Sieg hand, sort of doll.

katerina said...

He does have kinda curvy legs ...